Thursday 10 October 2013

More than half of couples DON'T have sex on their wedding night - mostly because the groom is too drunk.

It is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, but for most couples it does not have the perfect ending.
For the majority fail to consummate their marriage on their wedding night, a survey shows. And the most frequent reason is that the groom was too drunk to make love.
The bride falling asleep and arguments during the reception were also blamed for couples not having sex on their first night as man and wife.
More than half – 52 per cent – admitted to not making love on their wedding night and 17 per cent waited for more than three days after the ceremony

Of those who did not consummate their marriage on their wedding night, 24 per cent said it was because the groom was too drunk. 
For 16 per cent it was because the bride was too tired and fell asleep and for 13 per cent it was because the bride was too drunk. 
In 4 per cent of cases it was the groom who fell asleep.
Eleven per cent said it was because they had their children to look after, and 9 per cent admitted that they had had an argument before the wedding reception ended. 
In another 9 per cent of cases, the couples spent their wedding night travelling to their honeymoon destination, while 7 per cent stayed up all night partying with guests.
George Charles, marketing director of Voucher Codes Pro, which commissioned the survey, said: ‘The emphasis of wedding night sex for married couples is no longer a huge factor.
‘It may be that the stress and pressure of organising a wedding takes the main priority, especially considering such a large proportion of couples have been living together for years.’

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