Friday 15 November 2013

Drug dealer jailed after he accidentally leaves bag full of crack cocaine in Morrisons cafe

Jailed drug dealer Parminder Singh is clearly not a criminal mastermind.
The 34-year-old decided to take a bag full of cocaine, crack, cannabis and weighing scales with him during a shopping trip to Morrisons supermarket in Willenhall, near Wolverhampton.
Furthermore, after making his purchases, Singh decided to stop of at the store's cafe for a bite to eat.
Unfortunately for him, he managed to leave the incriminating bag in the canteen.
When suspicious staff found the bag and realised what was inside they called police.
There were four wraps of cocaine, two large rocks of crack cocaine, four wraps of cannabis worth over £2,000 and a set of weighing scales.
Supermarket staff were even able to identify Singh themselves by tracking him to the aisle where he did his shopping.
When police tracked him down he claimed the bag wasn't his and that he had been intending to hand it in but as he was hungry he forgot.
Detective Constable Jon Baker, from Walsall CID, said: "Thanks to the carelessness of Singh and the fast-acting and helpful supermarket staff we were not only able to quickly detain him but also his drugs which would have undoubtedly been sold on to users in our local area."

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