Monday 16 December 2013

Violent London riots thief can't be deported because he is ''too westernised''

A violent thief jailed after the London riots has won the right to stay in the UK by claiming he is “too westernised” to return to Somalia.
Liban Osman Warsame, 23, also said he feared Islamist al-Shabaab terrorists.
But senior Labour MP Steve McCabe hit out at the tribunal decision, saying: “The vast majority of people are fed up with folk given protection by this country who then treat our laws with contempt and use human rights to stay.”
Warsame admitted burglary and violent disorder and was jailed for 30 months after the riots in August, 2011 .
The Home Office tried to kick him out after his release. But Warsame, who arrived in 2004 with his Dutch mother, claimed asylum. Now the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber has upheld an earlier decision that he would be at risk in Somalia for “humanitarian reasons”.
His lawyers argued he is at “real risk of suffering serious harm” because he is “too westernised” and could face persecution by the al-Qaeda-linked terrorists in Somalia.
But Home Affairs Select Committee MP Mr McCabe added: “I think The immigration court is wrong. If you want the protection and freedoms our country provides you should obey its laws. The Home Secretary should sort out these problems.”

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