Monday 24 March 2014

FBI to quiz wife of Flight MH370 pilot amid fears of cockpit hijack of missing plane

Enterprise News

The wife of pilot Zaharie Ahmed Shah is to be interrogated amid growing suspicions he may have hijacked missing flight MH370.
Mother-of-three Faizah Khan faces questioning in an investigation supported by the FBI as the search for the plane enters its third week.
American intelligence agents are said to be steering Malaysian officials towards examining the backgrounds of Captain Shah, 53, and his co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27.

However a source close to the probe revealed today that vetting on Hamid is almost complete – and has so far thrown up nothing untoward.
It means Shah has now become the primary focus.
The insider said: “There seems to be nothing in the life of Fariq Hamid to suggest a motive for hijacking.
“The personal life of Zaharie Shah, however, is far more complex and is in the process of being unravelled.”
It appears the pilot’s marriage had deteriorated to the point where he was no longer in a relationship with Faizah, despite them still living together with their children.
His unstable domestic situation together with his support of a political opposition leader recently jailed in Malaysia means his background is coming under close scrutiny.
Police are also examining reports that he received a two-minute phone call shortly before take-off from a mystery woman using a mobile number obtained using a false identity.

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