Thursday 14 November 2013

Burglar jailed for stealing war hero's ashes offers to let family give him 'a good BEATING'

A burglar jailed for stealing the ashes of a 91-year old war veteran and throwing them in the bin offered to let the relatives give him “a good beating”.
James Greenwood, 43, broke into a house and snatched a casket containing the remains of ex-Navy man John Clarkson, along with other items. But he put the mahogany box in a wheelie bin.
The war veteran’s remains are now lost in a landfill site. Staff searched in vain for them for two days.
Drug addict Greenwood, of Burnley, admitted burglary and the town’s crown court jailed him for 20 months.
He wrote to Mr Clarkson’s ­granddaughter Claire Wynn, 37, to apologise for raiding her home last month and to make his twisted offer.
But the hairdresser said: "No court in the country would send him to prison for as long as he deserves - because what he did to my family was unforgivable.
"It was a disgusting crime and I am disgusted with him. For him to offer amends by taking a beating was the final insult. We don't want to hear from him at all.
"It has been an awful time for us. The sentencing was on Remembrance Day, which is also my mother's birthday. It was so upsetting for us. 'When he was arrested they found all of the items he had stolen at his home. He had thrown the ashes and the casket they were in. He'd put them in the wheelie bin.
"They arrested him on a Wednesday but the bins are collected every Tuesday, which means they were too late by just a day. We called the staff at the landfill site who were amazing and spent two days searching through the waste to find it, but it was no use."
She added: "My granddad loved life and he would be going mad at this man. These people need to get off their backsides and get a job instead of robbing people's homes like this.
"It is very upsetting to be burgled anyway but to have something that precious and meaningful stolen like a loved one's ashes is disgusting and heartbreaking.
"The other things which were stolen can be replaced but not my grandad's ashes. I have felt quite sick with it all and I was actually physically sick when I was told about in on holiday, I even tried to get an earlier flight home but couldn't.
"We just want to know where my grandfather's ashes are. It is the unknowing which is worse because we don't know where he is. When my grandfather was in my house we knew he was there and there was part of him left and still with us.
"People deal with grief in different ways and it was comforting to have him with us. I didn't really have any plans to scatter him that's why I bought a special box. 'My little girl Lily-Rose, four, is heartbroken, but she keeps saying: "it's okay mummy he is in the sky now."
He was also given a five-year restraining order.

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